
Child-Friendly Kitchen Appliances and Items

Today, we have a guest post from Mark at Mr. Cabinet Care.

One of the best parts of the house is the kitchen because it is where the family can bond, learn new skills, and share the gift of having tasty food that everyone can enjoy. Upon reaching a certain age, kids would want to be in the kitchen with adults.

Children can be masters of the kitchen with the right guidance and encouragement. However, one of the hindrances from having child prodigy chefs is the dangers that the kitchen has. Burns, cuts, and fires could start at the kitchen if children are left unsupervised.

Luckily, there are appliances and items that you can let your children use in the kitchen without them getting hurt or setting the room on fire. Some things could be used as prevention to such disastrous instances.

Induction cooktops

One of the negative qualities of an ordinary kitchen stove is its dependency on gasoline. If not used correctly, this can cause first to third-degree burns if not used successfully. If you want your kids to learn how to cook, a better starting choice would be an induction stove. There are induction cookers that are small and portable compared to stoves.

Induction stoves are the best choice when teaching your kids cooking because they could not burn any of the little fingers your children have. Induction cookers transfer heat only to magnetic surfaces. Although the ceramic glass surface of the cooktop also gets hot because of the residual heat from the pans. Still, this is a safer choice for the kids.

Child locks

A child lock is perhaps the most valuable item that you can get to get your child protected from the dangers of the kitchen is through having child locks for kitchen cabinets, appliances, and other items that they could open.

With child locks installed, you can make sure that your kids would not be able to open or turn on anything unless the child lock is unlocked. This is an essential item to have, especially if you have toddlers that are starting to crawl.

High chair

If you have children below seven years old, one of the kitchen items that you need to buy is a high chair. High chairs are not only made so the kids can reach the table at the same levels as adults do, but they are also made to keep them safe.

High chairs are designed to prevent the kids from falling off the chair because we all know how active kids can be. High chairs also come with an area where a child can eat his/her food. High chair desks are made so you can clean spills easier.

Slip-proof mixing bowls

One of the most comfortable kitchen chores kids can learn to bake and cook pancakes. You can even call them and ask for help in mixing the batter. If your kids are clumsy, they can drop bowls, which can be both unthrifty and dangerous at the same time.

This problem can be solved by having slip-proof bowls. These bowls are made out of rubber, which prevents them from slipping out of your children’s hands. Some rubber bowls even have handles.

Plastic knives

If your kid has an interest in cooking and sees the potential in that child, there should be no hindrances from you teaching that child, even your fear of them cutting themselves. You can let them help slice vegetables and other soft food with plastic knives.

Unlike metal knives where the blade is sharpened, plastic knives do not have edges. Instead, they are built to a saw-like structure. Their tips are not even sharpened and are usually rounded.

Child-friendly utensil designs

One way of determining the items suitable for kids and adults is the physical appearance of the items themselves. There are kitchen utensils with drawings of animals and their favorite cartoon characters.

Having these items not only distracts them from using sharp utensils, but it also encourages them to help in the kitchen. These encouragements are essential later on because they will build a sense of intuition and responsibility.

A mini waffle maker

As told earlier, one of the most accessible recipes kids can make are pancakes. With a few eggs, flour, sugar, and pancake mix, kids can create their breakfast. And what better way to improve this than having a waffle maker to mix things up!

Egg waffles are an excellent way to start every day. However, there are waffle recipes that could be found on the internet, which are as comfortable as egg waffles. Once you teach your kids to make a waffle machine, they can be left on their own mostly.


Instead of being an overprotective parent, the best thing you can do to get your child to safety is through having items at home that do not have potential risks even if they used them. I child’s mind is like a sponge that absorbs everything you teach them.

A way of making sure that they grow up to be responsible adults is by teaching them essential life skills such as cooking and what better way to do that than to do it with you as their guardians.

We know that the kitchen can bring injuries and other disasters, but that is why you are here as parents. If you have the kitchen items listed above and your instinct is guiding them, nothing could go wrong.

Ronda Bowen

Ronda Bowen is a writer, editor, and independent scholar. She has a Master of Arts in Philosophy from Northern Illinois University and a B.A. in Philosophy, Pre-Graduate Option, Honors in the Major from California State University, Chico. When she is not working on client projects from her editorial consulting business, she is writing a novel. In her free time, she enjoys gourmet cooking, wine, martinis, copious amounts of coffee, reading, watching movies, sewing, crocheting, crafts, hanging out with her husband, and spending time with their teenage son and infant daughter.

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